What Does Tesla’s “Feature-Complete” Self-Driving Suite Mean?
Elon Musk declared that Tesla’s self-driving module would be “feature-complete” by the end of 2019.
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Elon Musk declared that Tesla’s self-driving module would be “feature-complete” by the end of 2019.
Benjamin Gordon on the significance of one-day Prime and the last mile space
The Future of Supply Chain
Benjamin Gordon, Cambridge Capital CEO, interviewed by Santosh Sankar of Dynamo Ventures on their “Future of Supply Chain” podcast
Benjamin Gordon quoted in Forbes article on Target turnaround
Cambridge Capital’s Gordon: After WeWork Debacle, Tech Firms to Take Governance Seriously
Benjamin Gordon in Supply Chain Management Review on Autonomous Trucks
Ben Gordon’s article in SupplyChainBrain’s Think Tank on logistics’ role in job creation
Cambridge Capital has just launched an online publication, SUPPLY CHAINS
The life sciences logistics market is booming. What is driving all the deals?
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